SEO Basics: What is HTTPS?

Why do I need HTTPS security for my hosted website?

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a level of encryption security that take place during the connection to the website you are visiting with your computer browser (Firefox, Chrome). Websites with HTTPS achieve this level of security with an SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) installed on the hosted server. Viewing a site over a non-secure connection (HTTP) opens the interaction with a website to hackers/criminals that could intercept the data you send and receive through your browser window. Passwords, email addresses, anything typed into form fields can be intercepted. HTTPS encrypts that connection between the browser and website. This encryption make it more difficult for hackers to intercept the data sent between a computer browser and the website viewed.

Value of HTTPS for Search Engine Optimization

Recently, Google announced that HTTPS security would become a ranking signal with factoring search traffic. It’s inevitable that all websites will require HTTPS security. It is, therefore, important that your site makes the switch to HTTPS sooner rather than later. Several browsers are now showing ‘not secure’ messages when a website does not have an HTTPS connection. It’s easy to scare off website visitors! When presented with a notice of a possible security issue, it’s most likely a potential customer will switch to a website of your competition.

How to add HTTPS security to your website

You should be planning to make the switch to HTTPS in the coming year. Check with your hosting service (Website Domain Service or GoDaddy for example) to see what types of SSL certificates they offer. The level of security you need will tell you which SSL certificate to install. Website Domain Service offers a simple tool to add HTTPS to a hosted website. If you run into installation trouble or have questions, WDS also offers 24/7 phone support to assist with any possible installation questions.

Best Practices for improved SEO

Adding HTTPS to your website will give you a slight advantage against your competition that has not yet made the security upgrade. This security install, along with good site content, will improve your site ranking in organic search results.